Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age


József Kaposi (szerk.)
Enikő Szőke-Milinte (szerk.)


This publication introduces papers concerning a recent global phenomenon: the coronavirus pandemic. The papers are imprints of a fresh and determinative experience with digital distance learning and educational research. Colleagues of the Centre address the challenges and difficulties of the digital era and distance learning while continuing to provide their students with maximised care and learning support. Individual experience and learning are special requirements in teacher training. These teaching and learning experiences have been transformed fundamentally. While the educator is aware that she must meet the challenges of the digital era, she also knows that the possibility of personality development is best accomplished in human relationships. The papers have been authored with a dual aim: their first section introduces the possibilities of digital teaching while the second half highlights the developmental and educational opportunities of personal relationships.
We believe that every reader will find her interest among the papers which can promote her personal development and pedagogical understanding.


  • Editorial foreword
  • Principles of Digital Learning
    Enikő Szőke-Milinte
  • Drama-Based Pedagogy in Hungarian Public Education and in Institutions of Higher Education
    Júlia Eck, Katalin Ágnes Schmidt
  • Trends and Dilemmas of Changing History Teaching and Teacher Training
    József Kaposi
  • Compass to New Paths in History Teaching
    Richárd Fodor
  • On the subject of Ethics
    József Kormos
  • New assignment for educators: the mentor
    Orsolya Gombocz
  • The mutual impact of Early Childhood Education and local society – an introduction to a larger research project
    Ágnes Kata Miklós
  • Psychology of Learning Systematic review of return of fear and its implications on public speech
    Claudia Szajli
  • Interpretation of Tradition as Pedagogical Context
    Szilvia Moldován
  • APPENDIX – Good Practice of Digital Learning
  • Development of the digital-based interactive education in teacher training in Esztergom
    Lajos Homor
  • Authors and instructors of the Vitéz János Teacher Training Center of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences




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ISBN-13 (15)
